Sunrise and Sunset Praise
Daily Bible Verse: Psalms 113:3 KJV
“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised”
When the sun rises, there is expectation in the air. A feeling of anticipation hangs close. Knowing that there is a new beginning, a new day dawning. We can equate the rising of the sun with these new beginnings in our lives — those that shine light and give us hope. During these times, it is easy to praise the Lord. Everything is full of expectancy, and everything shines brightly. Saying thank you during this time is easy because it seems there is so much for which to be grateful. In this verse, the psalmist reminds us, however, that we are not to just praise the Lord when the sun is rising, but we are to praise him when the sun is going down. When night falls and there is only darkness around us, discouragement can settle into our soul. Another day has passed. Yet more so than another day passing is the knowledge that a season has passed, a dream has died, a hope has been shattered. Darkness surrounds us because all of the light from that rising sun has been extinguished. And yet, even during this time, we are to praise the Lord’s name.
What does it mean to “praise” the Lord’s name? Praising means to show warm approval or admiration. It means to show one’s respect and one’s gratitude. The question is this: do we praise the Lord only when the sun is rising? Only when there are good things in our lives that fill us with hope? Or can we show Him approval, admiration, and gratitude even when there is only darkness?
Some might ask: why would you praise the Lord when you are in darkness? When there is evil and hopelessness all around? When something so terrible has happened to you or to someone you love? Where is the praise in that?
As I was reflecting on this verse, I was reminded of a time years ago during which I kept a gratitude journal. It was during an especially difficult time in my life. Everything seemed to be going wrong and I felt hopeless. On the recommendation of a friend, I began to write down five things each day for which I was grateful. It was one of the most interesting things I have done because I recognized that not only did the things I was grateful for begin to shift, but my perspective did, as well. The first items of gratitude I wrote down consisted of things one might expect: I’m grateful for my sisters, I’m grateful for my friends, I’m grateful that I have food to eat, I’m grateful for my home. Yet as time went by, I began to notice a shift. Suddenly, I began expressing gratitude for things like the wind in my hair, the smile I exchanged with a stranger, the helpful gesture of a friend. It went from a very general sense of gratitude to a very specific sense. In doing so, I began to realize how many things I was truly grateful for and how much I had to be grateful for. I went through my day rejoicing in the beautiful little things I had taken for granted.
This memory reminds me that praising God is like writing in my gratitude journal. When I first start out, I might be more inclined to just praise him during the bright times and the new beginnings. Yet as I praise him in those dark times and in the difficult moments, I know that my sense of gratitude deepens. My appreciation for all that I have been given strengthens. The Lord of my light is the Lord of my dark. He is there with me, through all of it, and he is worthy of my highest praise. It is His breath on my face, it is His smile shining down on me, it is Him extending His hand in kindness. Now I can praise Him every day because I know He isn't just there with me at the dawning of a new day. He's there with me when the sun sets, too.
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